Create corporate wellness spaces that are more welcoming, comfortable and safe

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Check out some of Pett Capellato's successful projects


The environments gained functional, ergonomic furniture that facilitated communication and synergy between the teams, as well as colorful, relaxed and charming spaces were created so that people felt welcomed.

Trench Rossi Watanabe (TRW)

A clear and discreet environment suited to the work developed by the client's various teams – are the emphasis of this project developed by CASA 3 ARQUITETUA – which had...

Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE)

The public company expanded its office in Rio de Janeiro and needed to accommodate 300 employees in a comfortable and ergonomic way, thus providing conditions for greater productivity...

Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo (IBP)

The company wanted to modernize the facilities, optimize and rationalize spaces, adapt the furniture to the company's values, in addition to offering greater comfort to employees and customers...


The sense of place identity was reinforced extensively during the work. A campaign with the suggestive title Total Synergy was launched. This was our starting point for an open space office, with a slab and apparent air conditioning ducts, clean furniture and the strength of a colorful carpet to...


In the project, the most modern functional and sustainable working platforms and meeting table were used. Swivel and upholstered chairs, high stools with polypropylene back and seat and high chairs with upholstery and high fabric back...


In the design of the new Eletrobras headquarters, adaptations were made to the most useful digital connections, with meeting tables and very high-level platforms...

Grupo Elyon

The project was developed with a focus on customer experience and flexibility and well-being for employees who can carry out their activities in a comfortable way, with ergonomics and functional...

Wald Advogados

Project by architect Kiko Salomão created customized solutions for the different environments, for employees and closed rooms, which meet the specific and punctual demands of the office's activities...
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Complete solutions for the corporate environment: Exclusive service in RJ and SP and factory direct prices!

With exclusive service in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, we can offer complete solutions in high-quality furniture with the best cost-benefit prices.

Don’t waste any more time searching for furniture suppliers. Contact us now to request a quote and make your office project a reality.

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